Ashok Mathur
Advocate-on-Record, Supreme Court of India
Worked with Khaitan & Co. Solicitors and Advocates, at New Delhi from 1981 – 1984
Was appointed Standing Counsel For State of Jammu and Kashmir in Supreme Court of India from 1990 – 2000 and from September,2013 to August,2015.
Was appointed Standing Counsel for State of Jharkhand in Supreme Court of India from 2000 – 2004
Have represented the Official Liquidator attached to the High Court of Punjab & Haryana, Delhi, Kolkatta before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
Associated with several Reputed Law Firms namely, Khaitan & Co, New Delhi, New Delhi Law Offices, New Delhi, Udwadia & Udeshi, New
Delhi, Vakils Associates, Hyderabad, Argus & Partners, New Delhi.
Having vast experience in handling independently legal matters on both Civil, Criminal side including appearing before Supreme Court of India, various High Courts, District Courts, Consumers Forums, Company Law Board/NCLT. And conducting arbitration matters and appearing before judicial forums / authorities.